♡ Baby Massage Carlow ♡


Wednesday 10.30am

Learn how to comfort, soothe and relax your baby with Baby Massage in our Carlow classes.

Our friendly baby led classes are a great way to have fun relaxing and massaging your baby and meet other local mums in Baby Massage Carlow

This Baby Massage course is designed to help you soothe, comfort and bond with your new baby through loving touch and gentle movements with lots of lovely play time blended in.

Through gentle positive touch and movements you will practice ways to ease baby’s digestion discomforts such as trapped wind, colic, reflux, and constipation.

Small classes with lots of time for tea and chats with new mamma friends

Baby Massage Carlow:
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Wednesday 10.30am

Learn how to comfort, soothe and relax your baby with Baby Massage in our Carlow classes.

Our friendly baby led classes are a great way to have fun relaxing and massaging your baby and meet other local mums in Baby Massage Carlow

This Baby Massage course is designed to help you soothe, comfort and bond with your new baby through loving touch and gentle movements with lots of lovely play time blended in.

Through gentle positive touch and movements you will practice ways to ease baby’s digestion discomforts such as trapped wind, colic, reflux, and constipation.

Small classes with lots of time for tea and chats with new mamma friends

Wednesday 10.30am

Learn how to comfort, soothe and relax your baby with Baby Massage in our Carlow classes.

Our friendly baby led classes are a great way to have fun relaxing and massaging your baby and meet other local mums in Baby Massage Carlow

This Baby Massage course is designed to help you soothe, comfort and bond with your new baby through loving touch and gentle movements with lots of lovely play time blended in.

Through gentle positive touch and movements you will practice ways to ease baby’s digestion discomforts such as trapped wind, colic, reflux, and constipation.

Small classes with lots of time for tea and chats with new mamma friends

“ Would 100% recommend, attended for baby massage course in Carlow. Lainey is what makes these classes- her approach is mama and baby led. So so lovely to meet other mothers and babies in this relaxed atmosphere while also learning an amazing new skill to bond with baba. Thank you so much. X”

How to Book

♡ Special 4 week course €100. Our course fee is covered by most health insurance maternity policies. €20.00 online Booking Deposit 

April Course : 2nd, 9th 30th April, 7th May

♡ Claim Back! Our Baby Massage classes are a reclaimable expense on your Maternity Health Cover

Benefits include

♡ Relaxation and Baby bonding

♡ Tummy routine- Colic, Reflux, Constipation and Wind

♡ Helps weight gain, motor development and baby exercises

♡ Eases congestion, soothes teething

♡ Improves sleep

♡ Fun nursery rhymes and interaction

♡ Research studies show the respiratory, muscular, circulatory and immune systems all benefit
from the positive effects of massage

♡ Mindfulness and Self Care affirmations for Mums

♡ New friendships with other mums

♡ Classes are from birth and Baby Led, feeding, crying changing all welcome.


♡ 4 week Baby Massage Course

♡ Organic Baby Oil

♡ Baby Massage manual

♡ Tea and Refreshments


Askea Parish Community Centre, Carlow

When Can I Start?

Classes are suitable for babies from 2 weeks – 12 months

Would 100% recommend, attended for baby massage course. Lainey is what makes these classes- her approach is mama and baby led.

So so lovely to meet other mothers and babies in this relaxed atmosphere while also learning an amazing new skill to bond with baba. Thank you so much. X

What you will need:

  • Baby blanket

  • Cushion

  • Comfortable clothing (as we massage on the floor)

  • Class is baby led – bring what you need to feed, change etc..


*As we are certified by Baby Massage Ireland, did you know you can CLAIM BACK up to 100% with most Health Insurance policies? We will issue a receipt when you pay in full.