Baby Massage

Hi, I’m Elaine! I am qualified Postnatal Yoga Teacher with over 11 years experience and certified in Baby Massage with Baby Massage Ireland since 2013 and Mother and Baby Yoga with Birthlight.

I am also certified Postnatal Doula by DoulaCare Ireland.

I am passionate about supporting the postnatal time in a woman’s life as I personally found the transition very challenging. We undergo so many changes, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually, but we rarely hear of Matrescence, the process of becoming a mother.

I hope to create a space where mothers can feel supported as they go through this process, through Baby Massage and Mum & Baby Yoga.

My classes are not jsut for babies, they are for mums too. They are baby led, so if your baby cries, sleeps or feeds all through class - it’s all ok! There’s always time for mammas to chat and share tips.

This is where the magic happens, and Matrescence becomes that little bit easier. By joining my classes, you’re joining a community of like minded mammas with babies similar age. You’re joining a new tribe of friends.


The effects of loving nurturing touch are immediate, and they last a lifetime..

Baby bonding
❀ “I love you” Tummy massage- Colic, Reflux, Constipation and Wind
Helps weight gain, motor development and baby exercises
Improves sleep and nap time rituals
Eases congestion, soothes teething
Fun nursery rhymes and interaction
Helps postnatal anxiety
Baby’s physical, mental and emotional wellbeing is enhanced
Mindfulness and Self Care for Mammas
New friendships with other mammas
Avail of your Maternity Health Cover to claim back up to 100% *

You will Learn

A life long skill how to massage your baby from head to toe
Baby massage to relieve common discomforts
Baby yoga sequences to play and have fun with your baby
Songs and nursery rhymes to accompany baby massage and baby yoga
Things to consider when choosing a baby massage oil
How to ask permission and teach positive touch
How to read your baby’s cues
Positioning for you and your baby so that you can relax together
How to create a relaxing environment at home for regular massage
How to relax before you massage your baby
The best time for baby massage

I thought the Baby Massage class it was great, I enjoyed it from start to finish. I felt the starting point of going around the room really gives the sentiment of a shared safe place. I think it’s invaluable to allow everyone to be honest and open & seek advice. Everyone always asks about baby, no one ever asks how mams are doing and it warmed my heart seeing everyone get the opportunity to be speak and be listened to.

Reuben loved the massage, he slept so well after. I’ve been using the I Love You regularly when changing nappy. I intend to introduce the leg massages as part of bedtime in the coming days.

What’s Included

Bottle of AroMamma organic massage oil made by aromatherapist Lainey
Illustrated handout booklet

What to Bring 

Baby led – bring what you need to feed, nappy change etc.
Blanket / toy for Baby
Wear comfortable clothing to massage in

What is the best age to learn baby massage?

Classes are from 2 weeks - 6 months+, Baby Led, feeding, crying, changing all welcome.

Yoga Mammas Baby Massage class is a baby led class, created to help you and baby relax, enhance your bond, create friendships, find a community of like minded mums. It’s ok if your baby cries, we are here to support you on your mothering journey. Most mums continue into Mum&Baby Yoga when they have gradutated from Massasge

Is it possible to bring twins to a Baby Massage course?

I love having mammas with twins in class! At Yoga Mammas there is no additional charge to bring twins. Very often, it turns out that one baby sleeps through the class, giving you time to massage your other baby, or if they are both awake at the same time, you might choose to massage them in turn. There is so much to see and hear, with all the other babies in the room, that the baby who is not being massaged has plenty to look at and keep them entertained!

As a first-time mum I was worried about attending the classes with my twins on my own, but Elaine made me feel really comfortable from the moment I contacted her. With her encouragement and support myself and my girls had an amazing stress-free experience. I was expecting just a class but found much more! I had the opportunity to learn and share with and from other mums, which is really important to me. I highly recommend to all twin-mammas ~ Luz


5 week Baby Massage Course €140*
Baby Bundle : SAVE €40.00 5 week Baby Massage Course ( €140 ) and follow on 6 week Mum & Baby Yoga Course ( €140 ) value €280 now €240* ( No expiry date )


*As I am certified by Baby Massage Ireland, did you know you can CLAIM BACK up to 100% with most Health Insurance policies? I will issue a receipt when you pay in full ( eg. Laya, Irish Life. Please check your policy ).

When and Where

Thursdays and Fridays ~ Iona Centre Knocklyon Dublin 16 D16T299
Wednesdays ~ Askea Parish Centre Carlow R93 FP22

As featured in