Kelly’s Birth Story
Birth story Kelly and baby Oscar
Hi Elaine, I had a baby boy on 23.04.23. But we’re thrilled with him. He’s a little character.
After Pregnancy Yoga Monday night, I was having very mild surges Tuesday evening. Got a positive sweep on Wednesday. Then still had surges all day Wednesday.
Very hard to get any sleep at night because of them. I continued to use the winner flow breathing device to get me through the surges and knew that I needed to bounce baby down on my birthing ball to get things going. I ate pineapples and dates and even went back to the kind of exercises that got us to this point 😉I was determined to get things moving before my scheduled induction on the Sunday.
On Thursday night/Friday morning I had waters break and went to assessment unit. Stayed overnight and all next day with surges continuous throughout the day. Was put on drip of anti biotics cos waters had gone so early before baby being born.
Fast forward and I went to delivery suite eventually after mostly a day in coombe. Midwives were phenomenal. Absolute angels.
Got to talk about pain relief and delayed cord clamping and loads of time to get to know main midwife. Was in there for about 5 hours and midwife was able to speed up the contractions helping me to hand express colostrum and it worked so well.
I used gas and air and the winner flow device to help me get through the discomfort. Pain was definitely manageable if I focused on my breathing. It was so valuable.
I bounced on birthing ball. I walked around a bit then I got on the delivery table (or reckining chair?!) and lay on my side with peanut ball. Surges got stronger and I birthed in sitting position.
I was keeping an open mind about what I wanted and what my body had already been through that week (very little sleep) and also what was gonna be sustainable and manageable for me during the delivery. The ‘pushing’ and ‘blowing out the candles’ were strange sensations for me to switch to but they are the breathing methods that got our baby out.
It was an unbelievable experience having him out on my chest. My husband was such a rock of support the whole time. I was told afterwards that I was calm and focused and I really think the prep I did leading up to the day helped this.
Your yoga classes, breathing techniques, the discussions from the class all really helped me through (I had also done a hypnobirthing course online). I felt informed and knew what to ask. Knew I had choices and I felt like when I asked, I was listened to and respected. A really positive experience in the Coombe overall.
These people are angels who help us get our babies into the world. And you’re included in that group too Lainey so thank you so much for everything.
’ll get to try the baby massage classes when my body recovers from the huge job it did last weekend💙sending well wishes to all of the other mammas in the class. Kelly