Birth Stories
Claire and Tara’s Birth Story
Hey Lainey,
Just to let you know I gave birth to my baby girl yesterday. Tara was born 4.55pm weighing 6 pounds 9 and was 3 weeks early!!
Genuinely feel just the two classes I did with you benefited me hugely. It was a very positive birthing experience and impressed my midwives in the Coombe how fast it all was for a first time pregnancy. My breathing stood to me the most keeping myself calm.
Possibly a bit long winded but this was my day:
So as I said in the pregnancy Yoga class my mucus plug/show came away Monday of last week but the consultant didn't pass any concern. In the later weeks of pregnancy it is a sign of labour coming. On Monday morning at 3.40 am I felt an unusual discharge. Wasn't 100% so went to the bathroom and I did pee so popped on a pad and went back to bed. Shortly after that pad was soaked so I knew for sure it was my water breaking.
Got myself ready ensuring I had all I needed in my hospital bag, had a shower and then went to the Coombe around 6.30. Water was confirmed but my blood pressure was high and baby heart rate was inconsistent so they admitted me. I was feeling mild contractions from when I left home.
Got down to the ward and sent the hubbie home to sort out the dog. Contractions started to get more intense. Had a shower to ease the contractions and tried different positions on the bed. A birthing ball was the source of great relief but the contractions was coming in fast. Midwife assessed me and immediately arranged for a delivery suite.
I was sent up straight away around 11.30. Midwife Tara and student Ivory were with me for the final leg. The contractions were coming in hard and fast. The birthing ball was again feeling good and my tens machine was now also assisting with the high peaks. After an assessment I was 6 cms and had asked for an epidural. I feel if I had practiced more relief stances I could have stuck with it but I felt I was losing control so I was happy to go with the epidural. The relief was immediate once it kicked in and a sense of calm came over me.
My husband arrived around now so will probably just remember how calm I was. By 2.30 I was 8cm and by 4.30 fully dilated. I began pushing with each contraction and a mere 20 minutes later baby Tara was with us. I got the injection to assist the placenta and shortly after with one push it was also out.
During my skin to skin time with Tara I was assessed for tears and it was confirmed there was one secondary tear which was stitched.
Everyone seemed to be impressed at the progression for first time pregnancy so feel very lucky. My calm breathing was most noted so certainly something for people to concentrate on.
It was all very positive despite the uncomfortable pain of contractions