Claire and Hannah’s Birth Story
Hi Elaine,
41 + 3!!! I woke up at 4 yesterday morning with the same aches and cramps that I'd been having all week. However they progressed to proper contractions within an hour but very slow start, up until about 4pm they were very irregular and mild. Then from around 6.30 they really came on regular and 3-4 in ten minutes. Obviously your Preganncy Yoga got the show on the road!
We headed into the Coombe at about 10pm where they examined me i was in active labour and 3cm dilated. My waters broke mid exam and unfortunately there was meconium staining which meant the birthing pool was off limits to me and the baby needed continuous monitoring (I was still able to move around to a certain extent). Once my waters went the contractions started to come really hard and fast. In fact they were so strong and frequent I had made up my mind that I'd definitely need the epidural! I had started using my TENS machine from fairly soon after my first contractions that morning and found it really good in early labour, however as it was progressing to active labour I thought there'd be no way I'd make it to 10cm with just it. I was transfered to the delivery unit but decided I would at least wait until the midwife did the exam after my inital exam to request the epidural. So about 2 hours of bouncing on the gym ball, using the TENS and using the gas and air (which was soooo amazing!) she checked and I had gone from 3cm to 9cm.
I couldn't believe it went that fast after the slow onset so thought well the worst bit is over there's no point in getting the epidural now! Within an hour I was ready to push although I must admit i found it very hard as i didn't seem to feel that natural urge to push they say you get, just loads of insane pressure. After close to 2 hours of pushing and at 4.06am baby girl Hannah finally popped out, healthy and 7lbs 13oz. I was so sure all along I was having a boy but secretly wanted a girl so I'm delighted. The midwife was almost going to give me an episiotomy but thankfully I managed to pop her out just before that happened.
However did have a slight complication where the placenta decided to stay in there despite having a managed 3rd stage and them giving me syntocinon via an IV drip. They had to call a doctor in to try get it out otherwise they were going to have to take me to theatre to have it out. So after managing the birth without the epidural I really did not like the idea of having to get one for theatre. It was not exactly a pleasant experience but they managed to get it out with me using gas and air......I was absolutely high on the stuff! Thankfully they managed to get it out but I had some bleeding as a result but nothing requiring major concern. I am still on the syntocinon drip so not as mobile as I'd like but should be finished that later. But on the plus side I didn't need any stitches which i couldn't believe as I was pushing so long and found it difficult.
Anyways just finished my lovely hospital lunch and feeling way more human!
Take care,
Thanks and see you for baby classes soon