Celine and Ross’s Birth Story
Hi Lainey,
I woke up Saturday morning with a pain, went to the bathroom and passed my mucus plug and my waters broke. My contractions started within 20 minutes. I rang the hospital and they said to have breakfast and make my way in.
I put on the tens machine when my contractions started. I only had 2 contractions that were 20 minutes apart then they were coming fast at 5 minutes apart in the car. Arrived at the hospital after 7am. The contractions were getting stronger. I kept my tens machine on, used gas and air, my yoga ball and yoga breathing with the mantra I trust my baby, I trust my body.
Within an hour I had fully dilated. The baby was still high so the midwife advised me to work with the contractions to move the baby down and I would have less pushing and with the Hospital policy they only give you an hour to push.
I had gone over the hour and they wanted to do the episiotomy but I asked for another chance with the next contraction and our beautiful baby Ross was born at 1.48pm. We had immediate skin to skin and delayed cord clamping. We were then left alone to bond with our baby for an hour in the labour room before being moved. We are besotted with our little bundle of joy and loving the cuddles.
Thank you for everything Lainey as without your classes and advise I would not have had such a positive labour. My midwife wreckons I’ll have a home birth the next time : )